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Digital Nomad Essentials: 5 Must-Have Devices

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In this post, we'll review some of the most popular digital nomad essentials that you need to take care of when you jump into this type of work.

Working from home has its advantages, but it also places demands on people who want to engage in the telecommuting lifestyle. You have the flexibility to work from any location, but that only applies to those willing to do so.

Online jobs require equipment and devices to improve productivity. In this post, I want to introduce you to the equipment you need to get better results and grow professionally as a freelancer.

digital nomad essentials

Why Do I Need Digital Nomad Essentials?

Remote jobs are the alternative to office jobs, where you turn your home into a home office or work while traveling. Since you do not have an employer in the traditional sense but work with many different clients, you must provide your office equipment.

This includes everything from the laptop you'll use, to the chair, to the software you'll need for your daily tasks.

Let's take a look at some essentials you'll need if you want to fully immerse yourself in the world of remote work:

1. Portable Charger

If you want to work on the go, you must think about how to charge your laptop or smartphone. Here you have many options, as you can find different products on the market depending on your specific needs.

Some of them are:

            ☑ Car charger for smartphones - this is the cheapest way to charge your phone while on the road. Car chargers have different capacities, so consider these specifications when buying.

            ☑ Car charger for laptop - since some tasks are better done on a laptop, it will help you charge your device to keep you on track with your daily activities.

            ☑ External battery - the better the battery you buy, the longer you will have the freedom to work without electricity. This purchase mainly depends on your budget and lifestyle.

            ☑ Solar charger - this alternative allows you to charge your phone through sunlight. You can select from a selection of products based on your preferences.

            ☑ Wireless charger - another option to keep your battery at a reasonable level while traveling. It is ideal for people who prefer convenience and ease of use over capabilities.

What to Consider When Choosing a Portable Charger?

Pay attention to the device's capacity, charging speed, and weight. The price should also be considered. Since it's a purchase you'll probably only make once at the beginning of your "work from home" adventure, it's worth investing in a device with better features, as it will give you more freedom to travel and explore the world while you work.

2. Waterproof Cell Phone Case

You may wonder why you need a waterproof cell phone case. This device can be rather practical in various situations. Imagine you are outside, and it unexpectedly starts to rain. If your phone is wet, you may have problems with its functioning.

The waterproof phone case is the protection that can save you from a lot of trouble. Another scenario: you accidentally drop your phone into the water.

You can work in the swimming pool or the sea using such a case. Imagine you have to wait for an important email. If you have protected your phone from water, you can take it into the water and go swimming without waiting for the message.

3. Phone Fan

When you are outside and the sun is shining, your phone is more likely to overheat. This is especially valid during summer. A good measure you can take is to avoid exposing your device to direct sunlight for long periods.

No matter how hard you try, there will always be times when you need to cool down your phone. Especially if you spend a lot of time outside and shade is hard to find nearby.

There are a variety of options sold online. Buy a mid-range device so that it gives you decent features and performance.

4. A Display with Better LCD Brightness

Many of us have experienced the following:

You are outside on a sunny day, staring at your display to read something. However, the screen is so dark that you can practically see nothing.

The reason for this situation is the brightness. Some screens are better than others. It depends on their characteristics. If you want to work and read while traveling outdoors, you need to check the brightness of your devices and change displays if necessary.

As a general guideline, most manufacturers recommend a brightness of 1000 nits to see well in sunlight. If your phone has a lower brightness, you may have difficulty seeing your display in direct light.

5. A Faster Laptop

In work, loading speed and performing tasks are essential factors for productivity. Slow laptops or phones are simply not an option. You need to be able to open apps, play videos, and edit files seamlessly.

The only limit here is your budget. The faster your device works, the quicker you'll complete your daily tasks, and your hourly wage will increase. It's an investment that will pay off.

Refrain from thinking twice when you buy this device because it's your work tool that will help you achieve excellent performance and save time.

digital nomad essentials


If you want to get ready to work from home, you need to invest in certain digital nomad essentials. You'll need them in different situations to increase your satisfaction with your work and to change your location according to your preferences.

All of the devices mentioned in this list are things that I regret not buying in the first place. You must prepare accordingly to avoid finding yourself in situations where you can not work effectively.

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+ Best remote job recommendations and little-known freelancing hacks for time-saving.


  1. Thank you for sharing this valuable information and helping remote workers create a more productive and comfortable workspace at home!

  2. I'm a work from home mom and love the advice. I never thought about a phone fan. Thanks for the tips.

  3. I found this list of devices needed for people who work from home, very helpful! I’m going to bookmark it to access it again. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. For someone who works from home often, this is a good list. Especially if you’re working at a location other than your own house.


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